How my journey began


Ed Kenny

Managing Director & CTO


Ed is the CEO of Simplitech, a company specializing in providing Virtual CTO services to help businesses navigate the complexities of technology. With a solid background in software engineering and years of experience in technology leadership, Ed has guided Simplitech in assisting companies to implement effective tech strategies, improve operational efficiency, and address tech-related challenges. His pragmatic approach to problem-solving and emphasis on practical solutions have been central to Simplitech's success in supporting businesses in their digital transformation journeys.

The goal of Simplitech is to remove the jargon, understand the business and take technology to the boardroom. Much like the relationship with Finance, HR or Marketing, Technology has a symbiotic relationship with your business, neither exists without the other.

Simplitech embodies my vision of bridging the gap between business and IT. My experience shows that successful tech projects thrive on clear communication, with technology serving to empower businesses, not just existing for its own sake.
— Ed Kenny

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We can discuss your needs and business goals.

Technology doesn’t have to be so complicated.